Collaboration Projects

Create an accurate and realistic workforce plan by delegating your plan.

You will need contributions from other stakeholders in your organization to create an accurate and realistic workforce plan. Traditionally the plan coordinator sends out a file (subplan) and asks every stakeholder (subplanners) to forecast the needs for their part of the organization. After they receive the subplans from the subplanners, the plan coordinator manually combines the different files into one plan. This form of organization-wide data collection is often inefficient and inaccurate because the primary planner cannot monitor or track the progress of each subplanner, important information and instructions can be lost in email threads, and data is collected in multiple files.

With the collaboration features in the planning solution, the plan coordinator maintains control over the entire planning process and they can assign, monitor, review, and consolidate subplans in one place.

The collaboration project workflow

Step One: Start a collaboration project

After you chose a budget scenario and set up your plan with initial assumptions and limits, you can enter collaboration mode to assign subplans to subplanners.

Step Two: Assign a subplan

Set headcount and cost goals for your subplan and assign it to your subplanners.

Step Three: Monitor your collaboration project

Use the collaboration tracker to monitor the daily activity level of each subplanner as they approach their due date. This lets you keep the collaboration on track and identify subplanners who may need to be reminded to complete their subplans.

Step Four: Review submitted subplans

When a subplan has been submitted, review the subplan to ensure it fits within your set budget and goals. If a subplan meets the requirements, you can consolidate it into your plan. If a subplan does not meet the requirements, you can send it back to the subplanner for editing.

Step Five: End a collaboration project

Regain control of the plan, so you can finalize it and put it into operation.